The Cornelius Keg CO2 Charger worked like a charm yesterday and the beer went quickly. I will admit that I was a little disappointed at the rate at which the CO2 cartridges were expended, especially given the cost, at around $2.00 a piece, depending on where you pick them up.
I was in the kitchen enjoying my Marzen when someone came into inform me that my keg wasn’t working. I think it took all of :45 minutes or so for the cartridge to go. I was lucky that when I ordered the adapter kit for the Keg Charger I ordered an extra cartridge, but only one. It didn’t take long for that one to go, too. I was lucky that Mike Piazza was there with his setup, dispensing a spicy and balanced Weizenbock that he brewed, so he could hook it up quickly to mine and gas the keg up.
So, big take-away with the Keg Charger: 1) don’t use them and bring your CO2 tank along; 2) if you do use it, bring plenty of cartridges for your Charger because you’ll need them.